Taught in English English Teaching Study in China English Medium/English Teaching/English Taught

Course In English Duration Starting Degree Fee Language
symc Dentistry Technology 3 years September Associate ¥16,000 – 23,000 Taught in English
heu Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure 3 years September Doctor ¥45,000 yuan RMB/ y Taught in English
heu Design and Construction of Naval Architecture and Ocean Structure 2 years September Master ¥36,500 yuan RMB / y Taught in English
heu Design Art 2 years September Master ¥36,500 yuan RMB / y Taught in English
xsyu Detect Technology & Automation Devices 3 years September Master ¥21,500 Taught in English
zust Digital Media Technology 4 years September Bachelor ¥18,000 Taught in English
xjtlu Digital Media Technology 4 years September Bachelor ¥80,000 Taught in English
whu Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering 3 years September Doctor ¥45000 Taught in English
hbut Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective Engineering 2 years September Master ¥25,000 Taught in English
heu Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective Engineering 2 years September Master ¥36,500 yuan RMB / y Taught in English
hit Disaster-Prevention & Reduction Engineering & Protection Engineering 2.5 years September Master ¥34,000 Taught in English
wut Disaster-Prevention & Reduction Engineering & Protection Engineering 4 years March/September Doctor ¥35,000 Taught in English
lzjtu Disaster-proof and Protective Engineering 3 years September Doctor ¥37,000 Taught in English
nottingham Division of Computer Science 4 years September Bachelor ¥60000-80000 Taught in English
nottingham Division of Engineering 4 years September Bachelor ¥60000-80000 Taught in English