Taught in English English Teaching Study in China English Medium/English Teaching/English Taught

Course In English Duration Starting Degree Fee Language
bit Management Science and Engineering 3 years September Doctor ¥45000 Taught in English
hit Management Science and Engineering 2.5 years September Master ¥34,000 Taught in English
btbu Management Science and Engineering 3 years September Master ¥26,000 Taught in English
szu Management Science and Engineering 3years years September Doctor ¥34000 Taught in English
hit Management Science and Engineering 3 years March/September Doctor ¥42,000 Taught in English
nepu Manufacture and Automation 4 years September Bachelor ¥10,000 Taught in English
ecust Manufacturing Engineering 3 years September Doctor ¥42,900 Taught in English
hit Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vehicle 2.5 years September Master ¥34,000 Taught in English
hit Manufacturing Engineering of Aerospace Vehicle 3 years March/September Doctor ¥42,000 Taught in English
hbut Manufacturing equipment design and testing 2 years September Master ¥25,000 Taught in English
xmu Marine Affairs 2.5 years September Master ¥45,000 Taught in English
xmu Marine Affairs 3 years September Doctor ¥55,000 Taught in English
zjou Marine aquculture 2 years September Master ¥18,000 Taught in English
zjou Marine Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 2 years September Master ¥18,000 Taught in English
xmu Marine Biology 3 years September Doctor ¥55,000 Taught in English