Taught in English English Teaching Study in China English Medium/English Teaching/English Taught

Course In English Duration Starting Degree Fee Language
uibe Business Management (IMBA) 2 years March, September Master ¥128,640 Taught in English
ecnu Business/Economics Flexible year March, Fall Non-degree ¥18,000/semester Taught in English
whu Cartography and Geographical Information System 3 years September Doctor ¥45000 Taught in English
lzjtu Cartology and Geographical Information System 3 years September Master ¥29,000 Taught in English
hunau Cell biology 3 years September Master ¥20,000 Taught in English
ucas Cell Biology 2 years Flexible Non-degree ¥31,200 Taught in English
zstu Cell Biology 2.5 years September Master ¥25000 Taught in English
xzmc Cell Biology 3 years September Doctor ¥40,000 Taught in English
hrbmu Cell Biology 3 years September Master ¥40,000 Taught in English
dmu Cell Biology 3 years September Doctor ¥45,000 Taught in English
hrbmu Cell Biology 3 years September Doctor ¥50,000 Taught in English
xzmc Cell Biology 3 years September Master ¥35,000 Taught in English
ustc Cell Biology 3 years September Master ¥30000 Taught in English
ucas Cell Biology 2 years Flexible Non-degree ¥31,200 Taught in English
dmu Cell Biology 3 years September Master ¥41,000 Taught in English