Taught in English English Teaching Study in China English Medium/English Teaching/English Taught

Course In English Duration Starting Degree Fee Language
ucas Acoustics 2~3 years Flexible Master ¥30,000 Taught in English
ucas Acoustics 2 years Flexible Non-degree ¥31,200 Taught in English
xjtlu Actuarial Science 4 years September Bachelor ¥80,000 Taught in English
zcmu Acu-Moxa & Tuina 3 years September Master ¥42000 Taught in English
xjmu Acupuncture and Moxibustion 3 years September Master ¥30000 Taught in English
zcmu Acupuncture and Tuina 3 years September Master ¥42000 Taught in English
zcmu Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Tuina 5 years September Bachelor ¥32000 Taught in English
gzucm Acupuncture, Tuina and Moxibustion(taught in English)(5 years) 5 years September Bachelor ¥30,000 Taught in English
hhu Administration Management 3 years September Master ¥32,000 Taught in English
hunau Administrative &Constitutional Law 3 years September Master ¥20,000 Taught in English
hust Administrative Management 3 years September Doctor ¥50000 Taught in English
hust Administrative Management 2 years September Master ¥38000 Taught in English
zust Advanced Manufacturing and Informatization 3 years September Master ¥25,000 Taught in English
ecust Advanced Materials and Processes 3 years September Doctor ¥42,900 Taught in English
hbmu Advanced Medical Studies/Clinical Internship 1 month~1 year Flexible Non-degree ¥20,000 Taught in English