Taught in English English Teaching Study in China English Medium/English Teaching/English Taught

Course In English Duration Starting Degree Fee Language
wut Communication and Transportation Engineering 4 years March/September Doctor ¥35,000 Taught in English
hit Communication and Transportation Engineering 3 years March/September Doctor ¥42,000 Taught in English
dlut Communication and Transportation Engineering 3 years September Master ¥29,500 Taught in English
ncit Communication Engineering 2-3 years September Associate ¥18400 Taught in English
lnpu Communication Engineering 4 years September Bachelor ¥16,000 Taught in English
zjut Communication Engineering 4 years September Bachelor ¥18,800 Taught in English
fudan Communication Engineering 4 years September Bachelor ¥26,000 Taught in English
xjtlu Communication Studies 4 years September Bachelor ¥80,000 Taught in English
hust Communication Studies 3 years September Doctor ¥38000 Taught in English
zjnu Comparative Education 4 years September Doctor ¥27000 Taught in English
zjnu Comparative Education 2 years September Master ¥24000 Taught in English
ccnu Comparative Education 3 years September Master ¥28000 Taught in English
ccnu Comparative Education year September Doctor ¥32000 Taught in English
zju Comparative Education 2.5 years September Master ¥30,800 Taught in English
hznu Comparative Literature and Cross-cultural Studies(Communication & Contemporary China) 2 years September Master ¥20000 Taught in English